A Year in Ultima Forever: 2012 in Review
In which we look at the news related to Mythic Entertainment’s upcoming Ultima Forver that came out in the last year.
In which we look at the news related to Mythic Entertainment’s upcoming Ultima Forver that came out in the last year.
Scans of the first few pages of the Ultima articles in this month’s edition of Chip PowerPlay, the German gaming magazine that is re-launching with this issue.
An early piece of concept art for Ultima Forever, showcasing Mythic’s re-imagining of the Avatar.
Paul Barnett’s talk about Ultima Forever at GDC Online can now be viewed for free via the GDC Vault!
Massively and The Verge have posted articles filling in more details about Paul Barnett’s GDC Online talk…or, at least, its content.
An iPhone recording of the Ultima Forever trailer shown at GDC Online.
Destructoid has an article up about Paul Barnett’s Ultima Forever talk, which includes some quotes from the man.
A funny slide from Paul Barnett’s GDC Online presentation about Ultima Forever.
With Richard Garriott’s blessing, Lord British will evidently be making some sort of appearance in Ultima Forever.
Mythic Entertainment’s website got a major revamp today. Ultima Forever is prominently featured on it.
Ben “Bandit LOAF” Lesnick graciously takes the time to liveblog Paul Barnett’s Ultima Forever presentation at GDC Online.
BioWare Mythic’s Jeff Skalski and Paul Barnett showed off Ultima Forever to Richard Garriott at GDC Online.