A Year in Ultima Forever: 2012 in Review
In which we look at the news related to Mythic Entertainment’s upcoming Ultima Forver that came out in the last year.
In which we look at the news related to Mythic Entertainment’s upcoming Ultima Forver that came out in the last year.
A brief look at the graphical evolution of Ultima Forever, from its inception as a Microsoft Excel table to its present-day form.
An early piece of concept art for Ultima Forever, showcasing Mythic’s re-imagining of the Avatar.
The studio developing Ultima Forever has re-branded…and taken on its old name once more.
A reader wonders whether the world in Ultima Forever measures up to the world in Ultima 4.
Massively and The Verge have posted articles filling in more details about Paul Barnett’s GDC Online talk…or, at least, its content.
The new Mythic Entertainment Ultima Forever page features screenshots…and concept art, even!
Mythic Entertainment’s website got a major revamp today. Ultima Forever is prominently featured on it.
The test servers for Ultima Forever (or, at least, we think they’re for Ultima Forever) have some…interesting names.
The GDC Online schedule has been updated with more information about Paul Barnett’s Ultima Forever “post-mortem”.
VG24/7 interviewed Ultima franchise producer Jeff Skalski about Ultima Forever. See what he had to say!
Ultima Forever will definitely be featuring Retina graphics on the iPad.