Official Ultima Forever Trailer, Release Platforms Announced

Earlier today, Mythic Entertainment released the big news about Ultima Forever: Quest for the Avatar that we’ve been waiting for…and happily, it included a release window for the game:

We want to thank all of you for the time you sacrifice in checking our page and awaiting news regarding Ultima Forever’s release. We are extremely honored to have such amazing fans.
We are very proud to inform you that Ultima Forever will be released this spring!

Please accept our thanks and enjoy the new trailer:

As Dungy noted on the main Ultima Codex site earlier this afternoon, the trailer “starts with a brief voiceover by the gypsy, beckoning the player to Britannia. It gives a great overview of the graphics, but is perhaps a little heavy on combat. If you look closely, you can see glimpses of the conversation system and a conversation with Lady British. There are also a few glimpses of gameplay from within towns and socializing with other players. Welcome back to Britannia everyone!

Finally, there is the ominous warning, ‘The Black Weep is rising.’ Could this explain the recent change to the Ultima Forever Facebook page? And perhaps offer a clue to the game’s antagonist?”

As well, trailer announced the launch platform for the game:


This is an interesting change. We had heard, previously, that the iPad was the launch platform for the game, and I will admit that I’ve been taking every legitimate opportunity I have been presented with to needle people at Mythic about an iPhone version as well. I don’t say that to take credit for anything; I’m just happy to see that now Ultima Forever will in fact be coming to other Apple handhelds as well.

However, people asked for clarifications about these and other platforms, and Mythic obliged them with a response:

There have been a lot of questions regarding platform support and we would like to clarify our intentions. We had been planning a simultaneous launch on both PC/mobile and went into Alpha on both systems. Mobile scored higher in testing and so we doubled our efforts on iOS to expedite release. After the iOS launch, we will focus our efforts on bringing the game to other platforms. We will confirm exact dates for Android and other platform releases later this year.

This, in turn, confirms another rumour about Ultima Forever; we first speculated that an Android version might be in the works back in August.

So…no beta announcement as yet, but still some exciting news, and an idea of when it will see its “first wave” release.

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